Get to know the best type of handbags to import from China and how to find the right supplier that will help you achieve success for your handbag business.
Most countries prefer importing goods from China, especially leather products such as handbags.
As far as handbags are concerned, Guangzhou is China's biggest market for handbag products and the uncontested pioneer of the global handbag sector, where hundreds of manufacturers can be found.
Sailing in Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province is the main leather items manufacturing hub as well as the biggest market for leather-related products from China that entrepreneurs from around the globe can import.
Shiling produces leather goods for Chinese and global markets of low and medium quality. The local business leaders are constantly improving their operation to create high-end leather handbags that they can sell and import.
Apart from leather handbags, there are other handbag products that you can import from China and sell in your store. Here they are:
- Women handbag
Women handbags from China are practical and trendy that people can use for work. Leather, canvas, and nylon handbags are the best bag for women. The ease, functionality and contemporary style are constantly raving.
- Fashion handbag
You can find the most fashionable handbags from Chinese manufacturers. Consider importing from reliable Chinese suppliers if you're looking for trendy bags that your customers will love.
- Leather Bag
Leather handbags from China are one of the marketplace's most functional purse fabrics. A leather messenger bag is comfortable, durable, and can last a long time. Leather bags from China look classy and can help your customers keep their stuff organized.
- PU Handbag
PU leather bags from China are made of polyurethane foam and display plasticity. They are durable and easy to wash. Also, PU leather or fake leather is much cheaper than real or authentic leather, and they also have enormous demand in the fashion industry today.
- Tote Bag
Whether on canvas, leather or other material, China-made Tote bag's popularity shows no signs of waning. The tote bag is the perfect convenient accessory as it is flexible in design and comfort. By offering spaciousness, value, and convenience, it integrates the best of both worlds.
- Casual Bag
There are plenty of casual bags from China that walks the line between the modern and the classic and they are excellent pieces that your customers will want to use every single day. Such casual bags go well with almost any outfit.
- Rivet handbag
Rivet handbags from China are compact and lightweight, portable bags incorporating uptown sophistication with urban comfort. It is made of smooth leather and can be purchased cheaply from hundreds of Chinese manufacturers without compromising the quality.
- Striped handbag
Striped handbags from China are flexible, timeless, and trendy. People can't help but go back time and time and again to this beloved pattern. You can find the latest striped handbags & purses designs offered by hundreds of Chinese manufacturers.
- Letter handbag
Chinese letter bags are fashionable handbags that will look good on your customers. If you want to import handbags, China has many bag manufacturing hubs, each of which has its very distinguishing features and skills or expertise. You can also have a personalized letter handbags designed for you.
- Flower handbag
China offers floral bags in a variety of styles. There are few prints as ephemeral as floral in summer fashion. Not only does the design add a touch of effortlessness, but it also looks fantastic with some clothing and accessories such as denim jackets, flip-flops, and so forth.
- Waterproof Handbag
With waterproof handbags from China, your customers can keep their outdoor gear and clothing safe from being wet. Your customers will love this handbag as it gives them the ability to protect their valuables from any leakage of water and have peace-of-mind.
- Zipper handbag
For many purposes, a handbag customer buys zippered handbags to keep their personal items within the bag protected. They also play a key role in a bag's design and style. You can ask your handbag supplier from China to add quality zippers in your items to add value to the product.
- Lock handbag
You can check out China’s handbag lock selection for the best in exclusive or customized crafted sewing & fabric shops pieces A great travel purse's most notable feature is that it should be able to keep your valuables secured at all times.
- Shell Handbag
Get the best deal for Women's Shell Handbag if you buy from Chinese distributors or from or Aliexpress's—the largest online marketplace for Chinese goods. There's nothing more bliss-inducing than a shell handbag. A natural extension of last summer's shell accessory trend, it offers a sense of nostalgia.
- Round handbag
Invest in one of the must-have accessories of all time—the round handbag. These round handbags from China puts the fun in functional. The most fashionable dressers of today will want to get their hands on this fashionable item.
- Bucket handbag
You can import bucket bags from China with an aesthetically-pleasing minimalist design. You're bound to find the perfect bucket bag that fits every style when you search for Chinese handbag suppliers online.
- Travel handbag
Anyone who has traveled a fair amount knows the value of a good tote. Travel handbags from China are the perfect carry-all for your customer’s essentials. Your female customers will look for versatility, durability, roominess, and less bulky travel bag so make sure to find something just like that.
How To Get Started
To get started, ensure that you have the right specifications such as product, quantity, dimensions, color, incoterms such as FOB or EXW, and so on. If you have a straightforward handbag, you might not need to ask for samples, but you need to request product samples if the design of your handbags are quite complex. This guarantees that your expectations will be met. Once you're satisfied, you can then ask a quote from your chosen supplier.
Calculate the package load and ask the forwarders for a quotation. For large shipping, courier services like DHL work best. But if you wish to save on cost, you can consider the sea freight method to receive your packages especially for larger quantities like 200 kilograms and above. To help you ship and clear with customs, a sourcing agent can be of help.
To successfully import handbags from Japan, you should look for credible and reliable manufacturers and suppliers from China. A good place to start is in Guangzhou as they are the most popular manufacturing hub for affordable handbags.
However, you might have to consider hiring a translator or Chinese sourcing agent if you can't speak Chinese as most suppliers do not speak English.
Find a supplier who can take care of the shipping for you. Otherwise, you can work with a sourcing agent to arrange everything for you. You may also ask them to recommend the best handbag manufacturers or suppliers from China.
Importing from a foreign country can be quite complex, thus, it won't hurt to find an agency that can do the work for you. We at Lazpanda have the qualifications, experience, network, and skills to help. Get in touch with us today to get started.
Import from China actually is not a simple task. If you are working with a sourcing agent like me, then you’re already way ahead of the game. But what if you’re one of the 99% of small business owners or Amazon sellers who are not familiar with importing from China. I want to share my sourcing expertise with you to help you grow business.